Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trainer's Tuesday - Micro Burst - Chris Otto


Exercise is meant to be fun and enjoyable yet I find more and more people having a tough time fitting it into their busy schedules.

===> The fastest workout in the world <<===

There are 24 hours in a day and everyone has access to those same 24 hours. Not a minute more or a minute less. For me it’s about taking those 24 hours and utilizing them in the most productive way possible without being side tracked or distracted from some pesky time vampires. You know the ones that come around and suck the precious time right from under you without you even realizing what happened until its too late. For the most part these folks mean well and aren’t aware they are draining your precious time away from you yet they really don’t value your time the way YOU should. (See what I did there?) With our fast pace society and “gotta have it now” mentalities delayed gratification is just another phrase out of a self help book that doesn’t have the same meaning it used to for most people… …SOO we gotta suck it up and roll with the punches anyway.

Even if we feel there isn’t enough time to do the things we know we need to do there has got to be a way to squeeze something in there some way somehow. Because when we are dealing with our health we can’t be messin around. We have one body and one life and there ain’t a reset button. So you better take darn good care of the one you have or you just might end up broke down like a '76 Ford Pinto. (I’ve seen a broke down ’76 Ford Pinto and let me tell ya, it ain't pretty) Even with all the business and hectic schedules, of all things that are holy we should still be able to find time for exercise even if its 5-10 minutes a day and frankly you can get in a hell of an intense workout in 5-10 minutes. Just check out my video here

The workout in this video is what I call a Micro Burst where you are taking multiple exercises and movements and combining them all into one exercise which makes for a brief yet intense full body workout. Hence the term Micro Burst. (Side note: the workout in the video is intense and may be modified. The pushups can be performed on the knees.) This can be performed in sets where you aim for 6-10 reps of each movement at 3-6 sets depending on your level of fitness.


You can perform these in a decreasing rep fashion where you pick a number of reps to start with say 8 for example. Your first set would be 8 reps; your second set would be 7 reps, third set 6 and so on until you get to 1 rep. This really breaks up the monotony of doing the same boring exercises over and over again and really trumps the hell out of a 45 minute jog to nowhere on a treadmill and speaking of treadmills.. You will thank me later and your body will thank YOU!!

Stay Awesome,
Chris Otto, NSCA-CPT Body RescYou
Let's be improved ! Seko Varner is the lead agent for Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agent. This team began in 2010 and is coached by WFG's Team Unstoppable. Seko also has ownership in and works with Positive Vibes DJs and the event marketing service Happily Ever After.Be. Seko has a background in counseling and special education. He was employed for 14 years with Portsmouth City Public Schools (Virginia) as a counselor and as a teacher. Seko has also worked as an Intensive In-Home Counselor for over 10 years. In addition to his business ventures Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television media. Visit html://www.HappilyEverAfter.Be for more details.

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