Friday, February 6, 2015

I believe in.......

For the national day of writing - I believe:

      I believe in improvement. This is far deeper than a belief. I've seen people drastically improve thier lives by improving one thing. A parent that I'm counseling recently shared wih me that her "bad child" hasn't had a violent temper tantrum in 10 consecutive days. His norm was two days. She had changed one thing in their relationship and brought about a level of change.
     When I first met with the parent I brought out some dominos and placed 10 of them in a row. I pushed the first one in a row and all of them fell. I stood all of the dominos up again and then removed one of the dominos from the row. This time when I pushed the first one a different experience occured..... The area where the domino was removed reduced the momentum and force of the falling dominos reduced and 3 were left standing. I looked at her and stated "Change one thing and you change the experience." I then re-stood the 9 fallen dominos and removed a second domino from the row. This domino that I removed was immediately in front of the open area from the first domino I removed. This time when I pushed the first domino only two dominos fell. The remainder remained standing. I looked at her and stated "We need to determine whicch two things can be improved or removed in your household."
    I know a man who converted to Islam over a decade ago and became a far better man. While family members are still rebuking his change, based on thier love for Christianity, they can't deny his change. I've counseled parents to change their child's teacher and the student's grades have raised. I belive in Improvement and seek it daily. Let's get improved.


If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details. At the time of this posting Seko is not active with World Financial Group, nor with financial services marketing.

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