"To name ourselves, define ourselves, speak for ourselves...."
I grew up with this principle and transliteration being my favorite. As a youth involved in early Hip-Hop culture it was important to name yourself and to define yourself. I had various names and definitions from The Stingray, Shy-Ben, D.J. Mastermind, and The Graffiti Ratt ! During the same time I spent great amounts of time in various church choirs, bands, and youth activities. In each of these venues I was able to display and explore various aspects of what I became to understand was my growing-totality. I also was guided into understanding what I wasn't as well as what I was. Even as all of my nearly 95% white neighbors in Columbus, Ohio moved out of the area as soon as my family moved onto the court. I saw "For Sale" signs going up while we were still unpacking the moving van from New York Those moving neighbors called me all types of names and attempted to define me in many ways. One of the things which saved me, in addition to watching the paradoxical events of some of those neighbors seeking out my Father's advice and guidance on religious and addiction matters they were struggling with, was the principle of Kujichagalia. I was later able to hang-out with peers who were involved in very negative behaviors and overcome the peer-pressure because I refused to accept their assumptions and definitions for me although I didn't refuse their friendship. On numerous occasions my friends would warn me when they were going to engage in something that didn't fit in my definition of myself or my activities. After they warned, I simply left the scene and found something else to do. Since our family lived the principles of our seven candles daily along with our Christian values, leaving my peers and publicly sharing my reasons for leaving them during those moments provided me with valuable leadership skills.
A few years ago I decided that I wanted to change the experience of my family. My parents believed that if one received a good education, everything else will fall in place. While my parents, and those in their time made great strides to transform America into the America that I'm enjoying, this approach has left some of the crusaders of those times in poverty, depending on social security, or just making it. While most of family's elders seemed to be doing well I began noting as I grew older a deep seated concern on their finances. Many were living too long, and were outliving their retirement plans or outspending their pensions. While all of my father's siblings seemed to be doing well, few were in a position to "employ themselves and employ others", which is a sure sign of empowerment. After much research I found the writings and books of Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, and my beloved Michelle Singletary. Soon I began a process to rid myself from any forms of debt, and then the Wifey-Fo-Lifey joined me as we moved towards a total money makeover. We're still in the process and not enjoying the process, but we are reaping the benefits of the process. We are winning. Our household mantras went from "No New Debt" to "Destroy all past debts". Although we have a 30 year loan on our house, following the strategies from the aforementioned gurus, and using other strategies I learned after I joined World Financial Group and became a financial services professional, we will save hundreds of thousands using these approaches versus following the normal dictates of the mortgage.
We should be able to pay for our children's college costs easily out of our pockets, and we have multiple strategies which will safely yet bountifully fund our retirement years. This year we were able to go over budget on our Christmas gift spending without using a dime of credit, and our budget overage will not affect our operational budget. As Dave Ramsey states "Live like no one else, and later you can live like no one else." In this upcoming New Roman Calendar Year, I pray that you may begin living like no one else. Debt is the new Slavery.............. And we ain't going back ! I pray that you leave the credit-devil alone. I pray that you stop believing the lie that a person needs credit to get ahead. Define yourself as wealth and act in that manner. Wealth invests it's resources, honors it's commitments, and then spends on the non-essentials. As KRS-ONE states "Visualize wealth, and put yourself in the picture." Habari-Gani ? Kujichagalia !!!!! Light that 1st green candle son.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial,
a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They
specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in
high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service.
Seko has diverse background in real estate, personal finance, business,
counseling and education. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship
programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit
www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Insights, Lessons-learned, Guidance, Idea-sharing, guest posts, and thoughts on FREEdome (freedom), Improvement, Family, and Fun presented by Seko Varner and special guests.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Umoja, Unity - We Are One in Splendor
We are one in splendor:
We stayed in the house today (12/26/2012). We watched BET's marathon of Alex Haley movies and explained aspects of America's history of Improvement with our children. In the midst of the marathon I smiled thinking how far my family has come based upon the stories my grandmothers told me of our history. I also grimaced, considering the difficult Christmas time my family has had this year. On New Years Eve I consoled a tearful and shaking woman who wondered aloud "I fought to stay alive for this ? I didn't stay alive for this life." Her words were like a cold drink on a bad tooth. I struggled to remain calm and whisper "I glad... We're glad that you decided to fight. We're glad you're alive Mom." Mom then shared her despair that the family seemed dis-jointed and her fears that wounds would never heal. "I just want us to be ONE." Forcing a smile I struggled to say "We Are One. We will remain one." I then prayed to the Almighty for Oneship' followed by talking in-my-mind to the memory of my Father and Mother-In-Law. "Dad, Mom (Mother-in-law) - a familiar presence is needed." I needed a sign.
The next morning I awoke and prayed "Yeshua (Jesus), As your followers celebrate your birth, allow my family to feel your splendor." Later that afternoon my revered Sister (Sister-in-law) became engaged. Later that afternoon the wounds that afflicted my family began healing. Later that afternoon I delivered a Christmas plate from a family get-together to my Mum who was finally sleeping soundly. It is truly beautiful and splendid for brethren to dwell together in Unity. I awoke this morning to a day that we dedicate to Building and Maintaining Unity in the family, community, nation and race. Habari Gani ? - Umoja (Unity). We are one in splendor.
From December 26th, 2007:
We are one.... Today we had a PJday. We remained in the home and the kids and the Wifey never left their pajamas. I left the home only to turn in some paperwork at one of my side hustles, and also to buy some food from Choice Pizza & Subs in Virginia Beach. We stayed in the whole day and played, watched t.v., ate together, and had family time. During dinner I turned off the television and picked up a newspaper article that asked the question "What do you know about Kwanzaa ?"
I've been celebrating Kwanzaa for over 30 years. While in Columbus, Ohio my pops/mum sponsored Dr. Karenga (The main creator of the American Kwanzaa celebration) and his equally radical wife to stay with us as he did a three day cultural event for my pops' church Advent United Church of Christ. My Father (aided by my Mum) built this church from a few follks in my parent's living room. We had been celebrating our Kwanzaa for about seven years when Karenga came. He was a bit much for me then, as I really wanted just to fit in and Columbus Ohio in the 1980's was still a little scared of Kwanzaa. Each day during Kwanzaa in the 80's a group of Afrika-loving folk would gather together in homes, community centers, churches and in parks (t'was really cold in the parks) and revel in our ancestral love. (Circa 1977 - 1986) I loved these celebrations as people got together and pot-lucked, listened to story tellers, danced to African Drums from Tony West and The Imani Dancers, partied with a D.J. who threw-down, and the ladies were so hot !
Today will be my children's 7th and 6th Kwanzaa respectively. Kwanzaa is just something our family does, my parents have a well attended family Kwanzaa celebration every year and my daughter previously danced with a group (http://www.suwabiafricanballet.com/) named Suwabi Afrikan Ballet. I have also coordinated a long standing Kwanzaa celebration for the Imani Foundation (http://www.imanifoundation.com/) for about nine yars (tomorrow will be the 19th annual event for Imani Foundation which is 12 years old...we were members of Uhuruu African American Cultural for seven years and ran our program under that moniker). This year I declined to coordinate the event, and I will resign my position as the President of The Imani Foundation on 12/27/2008.
Normally on 12/26 we are at somebodies public event. This year we stayed home, as Kwanzaa should stay at home, as it was intended. Karenga and the U.S. organization (Karenga did develop the celebration with other people) designed public Kwanzaa events as events to teach non-practitioners how to celebrate Kwanzaa. At the close of tonight's dinner I asked my kids (to innitiate our Kwanzaa celebration) "What do you know about Kwanzaa ?" My daughter stated "The Red is for STRUGGLE, the Black is for PEOPLE, the Green is for HOPE." That's not completely the descriptions that the U.S. organization provided, yet that is what I have chosen to teach my kids. I didn't diverge from the truth, I removed some terms that may separate us from our peers. My wife greeted them with "Habri Gani" and my son said "Que Paso" (a loose translation into soulful-spanish). Then he and my daughter both said Umoja. Umoja being the principle of today prompted the question "What is Unity ?" My Son-sun answered that Unity is everything being stuck together and becoming like one. He then explained how the entire world is connected by touching. He said "The chair is touching the floor that's touching the wall that's touching the piano, that's touching the wall that's touching the painting. Everything in the world is touching something and we are all connected. As I searched for the exception to his rule I couldn't find one on a non-sub-atomic level. We are all touching each other in some way. We are all touched and effected by tragedies, and we are all touched by the breath of life. We are all touched by STRUGGLES. We are all touched by other PEOPLE. We are all touched by seeing others operate in HOPE.
I don't celebrate Ramadan but I've been touched by the words and actions of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I'm not Jewish, maybe I'm Hebrew (I'm sure some are not gonna' understand that), but I've been touched by my beloved friends of Temple Beth El who are Biblical Jews (Israelistes) as opposed to Rabbinical Jews. I'm constantly touched by Donnie D. who hosts "The Big Idea" on CNBC (One of my favorite shows and stations). As a child, every Chanukkah in New York (1968 - 1976) was spent with my parent's dear friends the Gluckmans (Rabbi Emeritus Donald N. Gluckman and family) who allowed me to get drunk on wine as a two year old at one of their celebrations when all the adults failed to notice that a little boy was drinking after everyone.
I'm a Conscious-Christian and I've been touched by Christian people and groups who terrorized my family/ancestors with "Accept Christ or die" and the Trail of Tears, and the Klu Klux Klan (yes, they were a Christian group) as well as being loved, touched by, and prayed for by Christian absolute strangers who saw a frown on my face as I struggled with something in life. I never could think of anything to debunk my son's theory. As I considered the origins of mankind I began singing a Frankie Beverly and Maze tune..... "We are one." My sons' simple observation was truly profound. We are one. May we remain one. May we exemplify oneness. One love yall'. Happy Ramadan, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. Whatever you celebrate, I celebrate you !
Post script - I am well aware of Dr. Karenga's past and the environment that the Kwanzaa celebration was birthed into. The celebrants of Kwanzaa that I associate with view Karenga's past and movement towards Improvement as we view America's past and America's movement towards improvement. We also value that the last letter "A" in Kwanzaa is a tribute to "America" (The term Kwanza has one ending letter "A", the celebration Kwanzaa ends with "AA" which nods to Afro-America".) Also we embrace that Kwanzaa was a man-made creation similar to Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, and all other Holy-Days and Holidays. Lastly we embrace that while Dr. Karenga and the U.S. Organization did not place the date to conflict with Christmas although in the 3rd century Christmas was changed from it's earlier various dates (notable January 6th as the Orthodox and Coptic Churches still celebrate Christmas on January 6th) as one of the many tactics the early church used to stamp out earlier religious and cultural celebrations that were on December 25th in order to force conversion to our beloved Christianity.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in real estate, personal finance, business, counseling and education. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
We stayed in the house today (12/26/2012). We watched BET's marathon of Alex Haley movies and explained aspects of America's history of Improvement with our children. In the midst of the marathon I smiled thinking how far my family has come based upon the stories my grandmothers told me of our history. I also grimaced, considering the difficult Christmas time my family has had this year. On New Years Eve I consoled a tearful and shaking woman who wondered aloud "I fought to stay alive for this ? I didn't stay alive for this life." Her words were like a cold drink on a bad tooth. I struggled to remain calm and whisper "I glad... We're glad that you decided to fight. We're glad you're alive Mom." Mom then shared her despair that the family seemed dis-jointed and her fears that wounds would never heal. "I just want us to be ONE." Forcing a smile I struggled to say "We Are One. We will remain one." I then prayed to the Almighty for Oneship' followed by talking in-my-mind to the memory of my Father and Mother-In-Law. "Dad, Mom (Mother-in-law) - a familiar presence is needed." I needed a sign.
The next morning I awoke and prayed "Yeshua (Jesus), As your followers celebrate your birth, allow my family to feel your splendor." Later that afternoon my revered Sister (Sister-in-law) became engaged. Later that afternoon the wounds that afflicted my family began healing. Later that afternoon I delivered a Christmas plate from a family get-together to my Mum who was finally sleeping soundly. It is truly beautiful and splendid for brethren to dwell together in Unity. I awoke this morning to a day that we dedicate to Building and Maintaining Unity in the family, community, nation and race. Habari Gani ? - Umoja (Unity). We are one in splendor.
From December 26th, 2007:
We are one.... Today we had a PJday. We remained in the home and the kids and the Wifey never left their pajamas. I left the home only to turn in some paperwork at one of my side hustles, and also to buy some food from Choice Pizza & Subs in Virginia Beach. We stayed in the whole day and played, watched t.v., ate together, and had family time. During dinner I turned off the television and picked up a newspaper article that asked the question "What do you know about Kwanzaa ?"
I've been celebrating Kwanzaa for over 30 years. While in Columbus, Ohio my pops/mum sponsored Dr. Karenga (The main creator of the American Kwanzaa celebration) and his equally radical wife to stay with us as he did a three day cultural event for my pops' church Advent United Church of Christ. My Father (aided by my Mum) built this church from a few follks in my parent's living room. We had been celebrating our Kwanzaa for about seven years when Karenga came. He was a bit much for me then, as I really wanted just to fit in and Columbus Ohio in the 1980's was still a little scared of Kwanzaa. Each day during Kwanzaa in the 80's a group of Afrika-loving folk would gather together in homes, community centers, churches and in parks (t'was really cold in the parks) and revel in our ancestral love. (Circa 1977 - 1986) I loved these celebrations as people got together and pot-lucked, listened to story tellers, danced to African Drums from Tony West and The Imani Dancers, partied with a D.J. who threw-down, and the ladies were so hot !
Today will be my children's 7th and 6th Kwanzaa respectively. Kwanzaa is just something our family does, my parents have a well attended family Kwanzaa celebration every year and my daughter previously danced with a group (http://www.suwabiafricanballet.com/) named Suwabi Afrikan Ballet. I have also coordinated a long standing Kwanzaa celebration for the Imani Foundation (http://www.imanifoundation.com/) for about nine yars (tomorrow will be the 19th annual event for Imani Foundation which is 12 years old...we were members of Uhuruu African American Cultural for seven years and ran our program under that moniker). This year I declined to coordinate the event, and I will resign my position as the President of The Imani Foundation on 12/27/2008.
Normally on 12/26 we are at somebodies public event. This year we stayed home, as Kwanzaa should stay at home, as it was intended. Karenga and the U.S. organization (Karenga did develop the celebration with other people) designed public Kwanzaa events as events to teach non-practitioners how to celebrate Kwanzaa. At the close of tonight's dinner I asked my kids (to innitiate our Kwanzaa celebration) "What do you know about Kwanzaa ?" My daughter stated "The Red is for STRUGGLE, the Black is for PEOPLE, the Green is for HOPE." That's not completely the descriptions that the U.S. organization provided, yet that is what I have chosen to teach my kids. I didn't diverge from the truth, I removed some terms that may separate us from our peers. My wife greeted them with "Habri Gani" and my son said "Que Paso" (a loose translation into soulful-spanish). Then he and my daughter both said Umoja. Umoja being the principle of today prompted the question "What is Unity ?" My Son-sun answered that Unity is everything being stuck together and becoming like one. He then explained how the entire world is connected by touching. He said "The chair is touching the floor that's touching the wall that's touching the piano, that's touching the wall that's touching the painting. Everything in the world is touching something and we are all connected. As I searched for the exception to his rule I couldn't find one on a non-sub-atomic level. We are all touching each other in some way. We are all touched and effected by tragedies, and we are all touched by the breath of life. We are all touched by STRUGGLES. We are all touched by other PEOPLE. We are all touched by seeing others operate in HOPE.
I don't celebrate Ramadan but I've been touched by the words and actions of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I'm not Jewish, maybe I'm Hebrew (I'm sure some are not gonna' understand that), but I've been touched by my beloved friends of Temple Beth El who are Biblical Jews (Israelistes) as opposed to Rabbinical Jews. I'm constantly touched by Donnie D. who hosts "The Big Idea" on CNBC (One of my favorite shows and stations). As a child, every Chanukkah in New York (1968 - 1976) was spent with my parent's dear friends the Gluckmans (Rabbi Emeritus Donald N. Gluckman and family) who allowed me to get drunk on wine as a two year old at one of their celebrations when all the adults failed to notice that a little boy was drinking after everyone.
I'm a Conscious-Christian and I've been touched by Christian people and groups who terrorized my family/ancestors with "Accept Christ or die" and the Trail of Tears, and the Klu Klux Klan (yes, they were a Christian group) as well as being loved, touched by, and prayed for by Christian absolute strangers who saw a frown on my face as I struggled with something in life. I never could think of anything to debunk my son's theory. As I considered the origins of mankind I began singing a Frankie Beverly and Maze tune..... "We are one." My sons' simple observation was truly profound. We are one. May we remain one. May we exemplify oneness. One love yall'. Happy Ramadan, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year. Whatever you celebrate, I celebrate you !
Post script - I am well aware of Dr. Karenga's past and the environment that the Kwanzaa celebration was birthed into. The celebrants of Kwanzaa that I associate with view Karenga's past and movement towards Improvement as we view America's past and America's movement towards improvement. We also value that the last letter "A" in Kwanzaa is a tribute to "America" (The term Kwanza has one ending letter "A", the celebration Kwanzaa ends with "AA" which nods to Afro-America".) Also we embrace that Kwanzaa was a man-made creation similar to Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, and all other Holy-Days and Holidays. Lastly we embrace that while Dr. Karenga and the U.S. Organization did not place the date to conflict with Christmas although in the 3rd century Christmas was changed from it's earlier various dates (notable January 6th as the Orthodox and Coptic Churches still celebrate Christmas on January 6th) as one of the many tactics the early church used to stamp out earlier religious and cultural celebrations that were on December 25th in order to force conversion to our beloved Christianity.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in real estate, personal finance, business, counseling and education. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Get a Growth Plan - John Maxwell on Entreleadership

I recently listened to the Entreleadership podcast that featured John Maxwell. The Entreleadership podcast is a treasure trove on growth, leadership, and business uplift that is featured on Dave Ramsey's website. I've been listening to the podcast for over a year now and look forward to that electronic note that a new episode is live. I also listen to Raheem Devaughan's podcast 'dedicatedly' (I made the word up) as well. Back to Maxwell..........
This podcast dealt with the concept of a 'Growth Plan'. Many of us confuse natural maturity with growth. The natural instinctual maturity progression moves one physically through the stages of development from birth, to infant, to toddler, to child, to young adult, to adulthood, to elder-ship, to death. Growth, however, is intentional. In the same way that a properly followed 'budget' tells your money how to move one out of debt and into wealth an intentionally followed and developed 'Growth Plan' can lead one towards the wealth that growth provides.
Leadership guru John Maxwell asks two questions when moving towards growth. These questions are (1) What are you doing to grow you, and (2) what are you doing to grow others ? Growth is intentional according to Maxwell. After listening to the podcast I wrote in my notebook "One will have to battle and fight and struggle when growing. Battle, fight, and struggle". Maxwell says "No growing begins until you begin to grow.
This episode of the Entreleadership podcast is a winner. The post describes the episode in this manner:
Personal Growth with John C. Maxwell
On this episode, Chris LoCurto interviews leadership expert John C. Maxwell about his new book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Dave Ramsey explains the “Wheel of Life” and how it applies to personal and professional goal setting.
Click Here (or the full link below) to learn about getting your personal Growth Plan:http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/a1611.g.akamai.net/f/1611/26342/9h/dramsey.download.akamai.com/23572/audio/mp3/entreleadership/podcast/entreleadership-20121009.mp3?r=1
I further suggest that everyone serious about intentional growth become a fan of the EntreLeadership podcast. The link to the webpage is here: http://www.daveramsey.com/entreleadership/podcast The podcast page describes itself with this quote: "Leaders never stop learning. They never stop growing. Leaders recognize the importance of staying ahead. The EntreLeadership Podcast is a great way to do just that. The topics are timely and relevant, and the speakers are the best in business. We’ll feature new podcasts here every two weeks. Listen to our latest podcast and keep moving ahead." I highly reccomend listening to the episodes. I do. Be prosperous !
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sunday Schooled - When I get married...
When I get married...
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's former blogs. This post was dated 01/26/2010. The original post is:
Then in January 2010 I, her Dad, was placed in the hospital for an emergency life-saving surgery on the same night that her paternal grandmother was placed into the hospital again. During all of this time she has become more apt to shed tears or crack a joke than previously. Yesterday while folding clothes she huffed up the stairs opened the door to my bedroom and stated to my wife and I "Mens underwear are gross ! When I get married my husband is going to have to do his own laundry !" Then she looked directly at me still recovering from my surgery and added "Unless he's sick of course." and semi-slammed the door as she returned to her unfortunate chore (she knew better than to really slam the door).......................................... Children say the darnedest things.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Sunday Schooled - Thanksgiving...Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving.....Giving Thanks....
I've long left the myth of the so-called Indian and so-called Pilgrims alone (I'm actually struggling with keeping quiet while these teachers are teaching my children that myth.......However, I realize I live in America. Attacking that myth will seem like selling USA-Haterade, almost Al-Quida'ish.) Thanksgiving has become a little more to me that the bull-chips presented in the commercial media which has become American culture.
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's former blogs. This post was dated 11/22/2007 while Seko's father, Rev. Dr. Samuel Varner was alive.
I'm thankful for the lessons and life of Mom and Dad (note the photo of my parents to the left). I'm thankful to be a Dad. I look forward to tomorrow as my parents are currently doing well, but I know that the time is forthcoming for me to be parent-less.
That frightens me more than I can express.
It's weird to be scared for
my parents, I used to be scared of them. That fear kept me from doing a
lot of things my peers became involved in. As a teen Pops would stay up
at night and inspect my eyes and breath as I returned from DJing a party
or hanging out. As a teen I was constantly worried that Dad would do a
pop visit at my school catching me being a teenager. He did a few of
those and the fear of them kept me on my toes. Currently I'm afraid that
I will disappoint pops more that worrying about his blows. Interestingly
enough that fear of disappointing my parents has geared me towards what
people always seem to attribute to being in a church. I'm constantly
asked "What church do you belong to ?" Folks seem surprised that I
attend a church weekly but am not a member of any church. My behavior is
truly more of a function of not wanting to disappoint my parents, my
ancestors, and God rather than simply having a church inspired life. I
remember the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan saying that a child
first understands God through his parents. I'm thankful that I was raised
by Yeshua (Jesus) by way of my parents. My father, the Minister,
frequently told his flock "People would rather see a sermon that hear
one." I grew up in a sermon and I'm thankful. I could have done without
the "Spare the rod and spoil the child" sermon however. OUCH !
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post script: 11/22/2012 - Today both my father and Mother-In-law are both ancestors of three years (May their memory continue to be a blessing). My Father-In-Law has remarried (Ashee), and my Mother is beginning to be embrace a life without her husband (Ashee-Amen). Today I am giving thanks for my ancestors. I walk in the glory of their struggle. Their blood, sweat, and tears..... and their laughter, joy, and prayers, has become the golden streets of our existence. Today I give thanks for my family. Today I give thanks for my family who are marching and remembering by mourning the lives of those who were decimated as a result of the actions of the man we call Christopher Columbus. Today I give thanks for what America has become, those who defend our country, and those who struggled to make it what it is.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education and has a background in radio and television. www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or 757-248-3820 for details.
Dr. Rev. Samuel Varner,
Driving Mr. Daddy,
Ruth Suggs-Varner,
Seko Varner,
Sunday Schooled,
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Dealing with the DEBT MYTH - Dave Ramsey
Blessings beloved,
I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. One of the most difficult aspects of the Financial Peace strategy that his company teaches is that Debt is unnecessary. I have been a short time listener of Dave Ramsey's various shows and Youtube videos. I think I got into his materials about five years ago as I transitioned from being a Real Estate agent into becoming a Financial Services provider.....As a side note I'm frequently asked why did I leave the Real Estate field when I was having a growing level of success. The shortest answer is I dislike shopping and working with buyers is similar to shopping. We're in a buyers market (in Hampton Roads Virginia) and I admitted to myself that I didn't want to work with the rising tide of foreclosures as a main source of sellers...... Back to Dave Ramsey......
While taking Financial Peace University with the "Wifey'-Fo'-Lifey" I watched our classes members struggle with the concept that Debt is unnecessary. As I meet with client's now and share the same view on Debt I get a lot of confusion and nonacceptance when I share that's it's better to show your children how to stay out of debt and guide them away from debt rather than to help them "Build their Credit Score". Here's what Dave Ramsey says about DEBT:
Although this approach sounds crazy it works. To be practical I advise this: Create an emergency fund of a minimum of three months of your expenses. Don't use your credit cards for emergencies or fake emergencies (Christmas gifts and Birthday parties are not emergencies). If you have bills and debts pay them on-time or early. If you can't afford to buy something outright then you truly can't afford it. If you can't afford to buy a vehicle with a three year loan you can't afford the vehicle (you can afford the monthly payments...but you truly can't afford the vehicle). Create a "Gonna' Happen' savings account to be financial prepared for car repairs, Christmas gifts, and other things that are gonna' happen. Follow this path and the funny thing is your credit score will rise......but you won't need their stinking credit score or credit card !
As an interesting side note I shared this path with a lady who described herself as a Christian first and anything else second. I shared with her that the 'canonized' Holy Bible says (Proverbs 22:7) "The borrower is slave to the lender." and (Psalm 37:21, Ecclesiastes 5:4) "We are required to pay back what we borrowed." and (Deuteronomy 28:12) “The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” Her interpretation of these passages, after she researched them, led her to believe that her habit and reliance on the use of credit was against the will of God. I'm hoping that she remains of out debt. Time will tell......
If you or anyone you know is struggling with Debt - Contact me and I'll do my best to assist them. Teach you children to save and invest 15 cent out of every dollar they receive and later on they will not need credit. Easy advice, hard to follow. I know personally, as I'm walking my way out of debt as well. I invite you to walk with me.
Dave Ramsey has a great website and the website is http://www.daveramsey.com . His company was giving away an audio MP3 file for free for a limited time period (that time may have passed by the time of this posting). Access that file by clicking here while the promotional lasts. I also advise anyone to attend his company's Financial Peace University.... It's worth every second. Uhuru !
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. One of the most difficult aspects of the Financial Peace strategy that his company teaches is that Debt is unnecessary. I have been a short time listener of Dave Ramsey's various shows and Youtube videos. I think I got into his materials about five years ago as I transitioned from being a Real Estate agent into becoming a Financial Services provider.....As a side note I'm frequently asked why did I leave the Real Estate field when I was having a growing level of success. The shortest answer is I dislike shopping and working with buyers is similar to shopping. We're in a buyers market (in Hampton Roads Virginia) and I admitted to myself that I didn't want to work with the rising tide of foreclosures as a main source of sellers...... Back to Dave Ramsey......
While taking Financial Peace University with the "Wifey'-Fo'-Lifey" I watched our classes members struggle with the concept that Debt is unnecessary. As I meet with client's now and share the same view on Debt I get a lot of confusion and nonacceptance when I share that's it's better to show your children how to stay out of debt and guide them away from debt rather than to help them "Build their Credit Score". Here's what Dave Ramsey says about DEBT:
Dave Ramsey (Podcast 10/23/2012) times from 01:56:01 to 01:56:36.
Debt is dumb – Dave Ramsey tells you why: “Building your credit is the biggest myth, the biggest lie that has been sold to the last two generations. And
so many people bought it that they are deeply in debt; it’s affected
their marriage, it’s affected their future, it’s affected their ability
to feed themselves – to take care of themselves at retirement, it’s
affected their ability to change their family tree. It’s affected
everything. Because we believe that you have to go into
debt, so we have the opportunity later to go further into debt. That’s
the build your credit myth."
The dirty little secret is that one can get a job and get an apartment, car loan, or a mortgage with a zero (0) credit score and with a good credit score. It's only when one has a bad credit score that things become extremely difficult. If one has a zero credit score that indicates that they do not use credit...... and banks will jump to give them a loan. Apartments that require a credit check may ask for a bigger deposit or one may need to work with a private owner if one has a zero credit score. Believe it or not people do buy houses and vehicles with zero credit scores and/or by purchasing the car or home with cash.Although this approach sounds crazy it works. To be practical I advise this: Create an emergency fund of a minimum of three months of your expenses. Don't use your credit cards for emergencies or fake emergencies (Christmas gifts and Birthday parties are not emergencies). If you have bills and debts pay them on-time or early. If you can't afford to buy something outright then you truly can't afford it. If you can't afford to buy a vehicle with a three year loan you can't afford the vehicle (you can afford the monthly payments...but you truly can't afford the vehicle). Create a "Gonna' Happen' savings account to be financial prepared for car repairs, Christmas gifts, and other things that are gonna' happen. Follow this path and the funny thing is your credit score will rise......but you won't need their stinking credit score or credit card !
As an interesting side note I shared this path with a lady who described herself as a Christian first and anything else second. I shared with her that the 'canonized' Holy Bible says (Proverbs 22:7) "The borrower is slave to the lender." and (Psalm 37:21, Ecclesiastes 5:4) "We are required to pay back what we borrowed." and (Deuteronomy 28:12) “The Lord will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” Her interpretation of these passages, after she researched them, led her to believe that her habit and reliance on the use of credit was against the will of God. I'm hoping that she remains of out debt. Time will tell......
If you or anyone you know is struggling with Debt - Contact me and I'll do my best to assist them. Teach you children to save and invest 15 cent out of every dollar they receive and later on they will not need credit. Easy advice, hard to follow. I know personally, as I'm walking my way out of debt as well. I invite you to walk with me.
Dave Ramsey has a great website and the website is http://www.daveramsey.com . His company was giving away an audio MP3 file for free for a limited time period (that time may have passed by the time of this posting). Access that file by clicking here while the promotional lasts. I also advise anyone to attend his company's Financial Peace University.... It's worth every second. Uhuru !
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sunday Schooled - Daddy doesn't take points.
Daddy doesn't take points.
The wifey' has developed a point system to address the sun-son's third grade transition. Whenever he makes a 'bad choice' he looses points. At the beginning of the week he begins with 100 points. I've smiled and been very supportive of the process and have reminded him to make sure his behavior doesn't result in a loss of points from his mother.
I didn't realize that he had noticed that I hadn't used the point system in my guiding interactions with lil' man. He shared with my wifey' "Daddy doesn't take points. Maybe you should teach him how..." One morning I reminded him of his morning duties prior to taking my shower. As I finished getting dressed I checked-in on the lil' ones to ensure progress. I didn't hear the lil' ones upstairs so I traveled downstairs meeting my son at the bottom of the stairs with a surprised look on his face. "Did you clean your floor and make your bed son ?" He said "Uh....No Dad." I asked "Didn't I ask you to do your morning duties ?". He took one step up the stairs and turned around looking at me and returned "You really need to learn how to take away points Dad." I looked up responding "I don't take points, I give spankings." He ran up the stairs, did his duties, did his sister's duties, and turned off the lights in my room........Amen......Ashee.....
Seko Varner
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's former blogs. This post was dated 10/26/2008 while Seko's father, Rev. Dr. Samuel Varner was alive.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
The wifey' has developed a point system to address the sun-son's third grade transition. Whenever he makes a 'bad choice' he looses points. At the beginning of the week he begins with 100 points. I've smiled and been very supportive of the process and have reminded him to make sure his behavior doesn't result in a loss of points from his mother.
I didn't realize that he had noticed that I hadn't used the point system in my guiding interactions with lil' man. He shared with my wifey' "Daddy doesn't take points. Maybe you should teach him how..." One morning I reminded him of his morning duties prior to taking my shower. As I finished getting dressed I checked-in on the lil' ones to ensure progress. I didn't hear the lil' ones upstairs so I traveled downstairs meeting my son at the bottom of the stairs with a surprised look on his face. "Did you clean your floor and make your bed son ?" He said "Uh....No Dad." I asked "Didn't I ask you to do your morning duties ?". He took one step up the stairs and turned around looking at me and returned "You really need to learn how to take away points Dad." I looked up responding "I don't take points, I give spankings." He ran up the stairs, did his duties, did his sister's duties, and turned off the lights in my room........Amen......Ashee.....
Seko Varner
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's former blogs. This post was dated 10/26/2008 while Seko's father, Rev. Dr. Samuel Varner was alive.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Considerations - Head of the class...
Here's something to consider:
John Maxwell has stated "When you're in the head of the class, you're in the wrong class." The actionable growth implication is 'Move to a harder/higher/different class'. Be moved.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has a background in real estate, school counseling, teaching, and youth/family counseling. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
John Maxwell has stated "When you're in the head of the class, you're in the wrong class." The actionable growth implication is 'Move to a harder/higher/different class'. Be moved.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has a background in real estate, school counseling, teaching, and youth/family counseling. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sunday Schooled - This one's for you
11/2/2012.....Here we are four years later. Mum looked at me today and said "I'm strong enough to go to the election polls myself now. I'll be casting my vote this time. You won't have to vote for me. You can vote for Mitt Romney if you want this year. I don't see why you would want to." Earlier this week I was barraged by folks wanting to know what my political plans were. When someone asked me "Are you better off now than you were four years ago ?" I had to admit that I was better. My improved existence isn't due to any political action..........Thankfully..........Time does indeed heal wounds...... Ashee, Amen.
This one's for you

A week ago she shared in a story how surreal it is to be born in the 1940's in the United States and to face against racial and gender discrimination and to quietly yet deeply fear raising two Black boys. She had seen America spit out and chew Black boys even in the best of circumstances. She wasn't allowed to enter certain restaurants, establishments, and walks of life due to her race and gender as she was growing up. She saw men and women scarred by America while saying the Pledge of Allegiance. As she pledged allegiance to a country who violated and abused her fellow Americans of African and Indian descent she placed her faith on the cross of Christ. She stood up for and held onto love towards men who walked away from responsibility and fought the devils in alcohol. drugs, crime, and perversion.
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's
former blogs. This post was dated 11/04/2008 while Seko's father, Rev. Dr. Samuel Varner was alive.

This is something that she spoke into me and my brother as we were lil'. "You could even be the President of the United States of America." While she was attempting to bolster her children with a wealth of the hope that embraces the "American dream "she truly didn't believe that it could happen for one of America's African children. My parents kept me in love with our African and Indian roots as much as they immersed us into almost all-white environments. She put up with polite smiles and back-stabbing church and professional peers who spoke of love and equality and practiced distance......And now she had a chance to vote for a Barak Obama.
Mom spoke of feeling like she was dreaming when she graduated from school and "they" made "them" all get into a bus to vote. She fearfully yet fearlessly got in the line expecting the usual police batons, citizen threats, or the whispered about bombs and was able to cast her vote for John F. Kennedy. She couldn't believe that she was able to do what so many had died trying to do. She couldn't believe that she was safe in participating in American society after being an American negro......And now she had a chance to vote for a Barak Obama.
We sat and she marveled while watching videos on the Internet involving people of all backgrounds demonstrate their support of Barack Obama in song, poetry, and speech. She marveled as one video showed bridges across the world with people holding signs endorsing Obama. Here I sat; her privileged Afro-revolutionary-thinking, Black-Republican-acting, Broke yet blessed elitist behaving, Suburban-raised yet hood-loving, Conservative-radio addicted son. She and others bled and suffered for me to be able to believe what I believe. As she marveled I marveled. She has seen America become closer to what America claimed it was. As southern rapper Young Jeezy says to Barack Obama in one his songs "Win, loose, or draw......You have changed the world for us." This is surreal to her.
Yesterday Barak Obama's grandmother died (11/03/2008 Roman Calendar) . Two days ago Mum was placed into the hospital fighting against pneumonia. She won't get a chance to vote and she's worried that her conservative son's vote may be one of the votes that defeats her realized dream in Obama's candidacy.
I awoke at 3:00 AM. I arrived at the polling place at 4:35 AM. The polls opened up at 6:00 AM. I cast my vote at 6:05 AM. My wifey arrived at 5:30 AM and cast her vote at 7:30 AM. I'll pick-up my Daddy around 10:00 AM to take him to the polls. This is surreal for him as well. Looking at the line behind me this morning was surreal. I shed a tear for Mum as I approached the voting booth. This is something she wasn't able to do today after praying, working, and bleeding for the opportunity. Mum, this one's for you.
Seko VArner
Post-script - 11/02/2012
Whatever the outcome of the Presidental election - God Bless America. God bless Africa. God bless everybody.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances.
Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has experience in real estate agent, school counseling, school teaching, and youth/family counseling.
Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Sunday Schooled - The Riot Starter
The Riot Starter
We walked out of the house, off the porch, and then made a wide circle towards the vehicle instead of walking directly to the truck. Instead of guiding him I let him find his way. It has to be depressing to loose your vision. He's facing the same thing his father faced.......Blindness. He shared with me a few days prior to Christmas how I'm fulfilling the same role he fulfilled for his father..... He became his father's eyes, I'm doing the same.....Reluctantly. I try as much as possible to allow Pops to accomplish anything he can with out treating him as a crippled man. As I fully want to guide him to the car as a normal person would move, he needs to be capable. He wants to be capable. He can get so cranky when he's helped to do things he can do for himself.
'Sunday Schooled' is a collection of blog posts from Seko Varner's
former blogs. This post was dated 01/01/2009 while Seko's father, Rev. Dr. Samuel Varner was alive.
En route to the church Pops mentioned a friend of the family, Sarah Kinard, who is writing her thesis about her father and my Pops' Omega Psi Phi chapter brother John Kinard. John helped Pops cross into our Omega fold in 1958. Influenced by a man in his neighborhood Pops was originally interested in the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity but as one of the Alphas on campus showed an interest in Pops in a different way (he attempted to force a sexual advance upon my father. My father beat that Alpha up) Pops decided against Alpha Phi Alpha. Dad said "I was black-balled. Other Alphas told me I would never survive the process and would never become an Alpha. The Omegas knew that Pops was destined to walk in Purple and Gold and John Kinard opened the doorway. Dad said "I didn't have any clothes except for the clothes on my back. John fed me, gave me clothes, and helped me raise the money I needed to pledge into Omega Psi Phi." Years later they remained friends as John became the first curator of the Anacostia Museum in Washington D.C. John and his family were frequent hosts to my family when I was young and I fondly remember eating Monkey Meat, Shark Meat, Octopus, and other exotic delicacies.
John's daughter Sara interviewed my Pops and reminded him that John and Pops help start a student riot on Livingston College's campus. According to Pops, who then shared the story: An another future man of Omega Psi Phi - Jesse Jackson Sr. (of I am somebody fame) and some other students held some sit-in demonstrations in North Carolina and the "white" citizens of Livingston North Carolina wanted to avoid having a similar situation. These citizens had been donating great sums of money to the historically Black College Livingston, and also the beginnings of the Food Lion Corporation had been supporting the College. A delegate from the citizens contacted the school and sharing their concerns about a possible sit-in stating that if such a sit-in occurred in Livingston the citizens would remove their support and also could impact the funding received from Food Lion. The school's Chaplin contacted Pops and Mr. Kinard and encouraged them to act in the best interest of the school's funding. This Chaplin then drafted a letter written from the perspective of the students stating that they had no interest in holding a demonstration. Pops and John Kinard signed the letter with the implication that they authored the letter and the correspondence was published in the local newspaper calming the concerns of the "citizens". Pops then shared how the students gave he and John hell for their act of betrayal and then held a riot to "demonstrate" their anger on campus. (Photo of John Kinard) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kinard
As Pop's story ended we drove up into the parking lot of New Life - Providence, the church that my wife and Kids having been visiting for over two years now. Their New Years Eve service had been heavily promoted in the church and included food and drinks prior to the service, a service, and food and drinks following the service. New Life is a mixed congregation and prides itself in being "Trans-ethnic" as it boasts membership consisting of people of many ethnicity's promoting that the body of Christ, and the Church accepts all people ethnically. This position of Trans-Ethnic initially turned me off, and now I could take it or leave it.

Pops, who has been a minister for over 60 years left the service feeling refreshed and stated that he approved of Pastor Dan's approach to ministry and the service. He had visited the church once before this year when his eyesight was with him. What a difference a few days make. Three months ago he drove himself to this church, now we have to lead him from the truck. I give thanks to the Almighty for 2008. I've had a chance to spend a great deal of time with Pops and my life has been affected, my fatherhood has been affected, and my faith has deepened.
Be Improved...... Love, Seko
If you know anyone who is drowing in debt, or needs to invest in their future... I'm never too busy for your referrals. 757-404-3743.
Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Economic Empowerment - Michelle Singletary
Salud !
It's probably well known that I'm a big fan of Michelle Singletary. I normally refer many of my financial freedom clients to read her books or find her videos to provide them with a knowledge base that aids me when I assist them with investments, debt reduction, or insurances. Here is a gem ! I found a great video of her speaking at an Economic Empowerment summit. Also below is her website. Enjoy and be empowered ! If you know of anyone who is drowning in their debts, I alwaus have time for your referrals ! Salud !
Michelle Singletary, nationally syndicated columnist at The Washington Post, gave a speech at an economic empowerment meeting on February, 27th 2010. If you love Susie Ormond, Dave Ramsey, or Clark Howard..... You will love this sista'. Be improved ! This is the full presentation. Michelle Singletary is a nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post. Her column, "The Color of Money" is an award-winning column, which is now carried in more than 100 newspapers across the country including the Atlanta Journal Constitution. "The Power to Prosper, 21 Days to Finanical Freedom book is on sale now; obtain your copy!
Seko Benjamin Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a special education teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
It's probably well known that I'm a big fan of Michelle Singletary. I normally refer many of my financial freedom clients to read her books or find her videos to provide them with a knowledge base that aids me when I assist them with investments, debt reduction, or insurances. Here is a gem ! I found a great video of her speaking at an Economic Empowerment summit. Also below is her website. Enjoy and be empowered ! If you know of anyone who is drowning in their debts, I alwaus have time for your referrals ! Salud !
Michelle Singletary, "Big Mama used to say it's not how much money you make that matters, but how you make do with what you have."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqjJZY7913g
Michelle Singletary, nationally syndicated columnist at The Washington Post, gave a speech at an economic empowerment meeting on February, 27th 2010. If you love Susie Ormond, Dave Ramsey, or Clark Howard..... You will love this sista'. Be improved ! This is the full presentation. Michelle Singletary is a nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post. Her column, "The Color of Money" is an award-winning column, which is now carried in more than 100 newspapers across the country including the Atlanta Journal Constitution. "The Power to Prosper, 21 Days to Finanical Freedom book is on sale now; obtain your copy!
Seko Benjamin Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a special education teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.
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