Monday, January 26, 2015

Sometimes you have to let it go. (FREEdom)

Sometimes you have to let go. I recently met with a custodial parent who deeply wanted a son to have better relationship with the other non-custodial parent but didn't have any reason to trust the non-custodial parent with the child's best interests. The other parent refused to talk unless the discussion was in the direction of gaining custody. To attempt to bully the custodial parent into providing custody the other parent repeatedly made loud, demeaning, profanity laden statements in front of the child towards the custodial parent. The child also joined the non-custodial parent in the tirade. As we talked the custodial parent couldn't get past the fact that the non-custodial parent and the child were both emotionally and verbally abusive. "What do I do now" asked the custodial parent. I replied "Let it go (speaking of the interactions which are always demeaning). You can stay in one place and wallow in the anger and depression or you can let go and keep it moving." 30 minutes later the custodial parent agreed by stating "If I want something different I have to do something different. I need to let it go, nothing will change if I stay dealing with them like this." This parent let go of an abusive interaction and subsequently refused to have interactions with the other parent. Sometimes you have to let it go. 
Let go of your demeaning relationships.
Let do of your debt.
Let go of your inhibiting inhibitions.
Let go.
Enjoy the music.

If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details. At the time of this posting Seko is not active with World Financial Group, nor with financial services marketing.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

No cover charge, NO BRAINER

FREELOAD Friday Nights at Cloud 9 R&B
10 pm - 2 am - NO COVER CHARGE
Each Friday Night Jan. - May 2015
Enjoy R&B, Soul, Line Dance, Carib' & Latin, House Music, and a tad bit of Hip-Hop & Go-Go
No cover charge & D.J. Seko ! No Brainer'
FREELoad (Download) past episodes below:

As a form of giving back "DJ Seko" is performing from Jan. - May 2015 on Friday Nights at Cloud 9 R&B. If you have a not-for-profit for which you're raising funds, contact Seko to arrange a Donation-Night for your organization !!
If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details. At the time of this posting Seko is not active with World Financial Group, nor with financial services marketing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Merry Coptic Christmas !! (Something is born anew that can change your world)

Today, January 6th, is Christmas Eve for the Coptic Church. (Salutes to my Ethiopians and all others who still observe the first and earlier calendar dates of the Christmas observance/Holy-Day/Holiday !!!)

A few days ago I went shopping and saw a young attractive cashier. As I walked up to the counter I noticed the Coptic Cross on her neck. To be sure I asked "Is that a Coptic Cross ?". She looked at me a little surprised, shook her head, and uttered "It's an Ethiopian Cross, it's from Ethiopia." as she placed my groceries into the grocery bag. "Right, it's a Coptic Cross. Won't you be celebrating Christmas on January 6th or 7th this year ?" I replied. "I'm sorry maybe I was mistaken, your features and your name on your name tag struck me as being Ethiopian." A smile was followed by a look of shock as she asked "How did you know ? How do you know these things ?" I laughed and stated "I've been around a lot of Ethiopians, besides our people should know about our people. - Merry Christmas in a few days." She smiled and expressed thanks as I walked out of the store.

As I walked out of the store it struck me, while the date was of Christmas was changed around 1583, the message of "something being born anew that can change your world" is a daily opportunity. Just as some people have ignorantly told our Ethiopian and Coptic family that they are "celebrating wrong" I think the realization that every day is a new born opportunity misses too many folk. Celebrate today as a new birth, and go out and do something that will change your world. Merry Coptic Christmas !

If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Move Forward. Take the STEP.

So she said "I'm not sure if I should apply. I don't like to fail." After a short period of silence I replied "I'm sure that has helped you avoid a lot of heart-ache. Has it helped you achieve ?" She smiled. "I see where you're going with this Mr. Varner" she stated. "No, it hasn't helped me achieve." I smiled and remained silent. "O.K. I'll complete the application.........I'll do it now." she stated. I smiled, nodded, and pointed to the computer station where the student slowly walked, sat down, and began her college application.

Back to you, the reader......What opportunities have you recently avoided to avoid heartache ?
Know this...... When you avoid heart-ache, you also avoid God's luck and oppurtunity.
Take the step. Move Forward. Take the STEP.

If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

One for all - Is all for one

Photo: Silent Praise Mine Ministry 12-30-2013

Someone has to lead. It's supposed to be you.
Someone will learn from their mistakes. It's supposed to be you.
When you take that step forward or Backwards, LIFE will meet you three fold.
ONE step can change ALL that you experience.
ALL of the world is waiting for you to take ONE step.
One 4 All is All for One. (Salutes to Brand Nubians)
Move forward.

Seko "DJ Seko" Varner
If you have consumer debt, and you'd like to reduce the interest rate, and the amount owed, give me a text or a call @ 757-932-0177. Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a group of debt reduction specialists. Seko is also in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, financial services, real estate, radio, counseling and education (WHEW). Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-932-0177 for more details.