Monday, November 26, 2012

Get a Growth Plan - John Maxwell on Entreleadership

Hey beloved,

      I recently listened to the Entreleadership podcast that featured John Maxwell. The Entreleadership podcast is a treasure trove on growth, leadership, and business uplift that is featured on Dave Ramsey's website. I've been listening to the podcast for over a year now and look forward to that electronic note that a new episode is live. I also listen to Raheem Devaughan's podcast 'dedicatedly' (I made the word up) as well. Back to Maxwell..........

     This podcast dealt with the concept of a 'Growth Plan'. Many of us confuse natural maturity with growth. The natural instinctual maturity progression moves one physically through the stages of development from birth, to infant, to toddler, to child, to young adult, to adulthood, to elder-ship, to death. Growth, however, is intentional. In the same way that a properly followed 'budget' tells your money how to move one out of debt and into wealth an intentionally followed and developed 'Growth Plan' can lead one towards the wealth that growth provides.

     Leadership guru John Maxwell asks two questions when moving towards growth. These questions are (1) What are you doing to grow you, and (2) what are you doing to grow others ? Growth is intentional according to Maxwell. After listening to the podcast I wrote in my notebook "One will have to battle and fight and struggle when growing. Battle, fight, and struggle". Maxwell says "No growing begins until you begin to grow.

     This episode of the Entreleadership podcast is a winner. The post describes the episode in this manner:

Personal Growth with John C. Maxwell

On this episode, Chris LoCurto interviews leadership expert John C. Maxwell about his new book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. Dave Ramsey explains the “Wheel of Life” and how it applies to personal and professional goal setting.
     Click Here (or the full link below) to learn about getting your personal Growth Plan: 

     I further suggest that everyone serious about intentional growth become a fan of the EntreLeadership podcast. The link to the webpage is here: The podcast page describes itself with this quote: "Leaders never stop learning. They never stop growing. Leaders recognize the importance of staying ahead. The EntreLeadership Podcast is a great way to do just that. The topics are timely and relevant, and the speakers are the best in business. We’ll feature new podcasts here every two weeks. Listen to our latest podcast and keep moving ahead." I highly reccomend listening to the episodes. I do. Be prosperous !

Seko Varner is from Positive Vibes Financial, a World Financial Group team of financial services agents. They specialize in debt reduction, investments, and insurances. Seko is in high demand as a special events DJ and owns an event marketing service. Seko has diverse background in business, counseling and education. He has been real estate agent, a school counselor, a teacher, and an Intensive In-Home Counselor. Seko is active with numerous Youth Mentorship programs and has a background in radio and television. Visit www.HappilyEverAfter.Be or call 757-248-3820 for more details.

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